Homepage: https://github.com/grettke/universal-emotions-emoticons
Author: Grant Rettke
Emoticons For The Six Universal Expressions
Introduction: It is difficult to communicate emotions using words. There are too many. They mean different things to different people. Facial expressions, however, are universal. "Psychological research has classified six facial expressions which correspond to distinct universal emotions: disgust, sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise [Black,Yacoob,95]. [Source](https://people.ece.cornell.edu/land/OldStudentProjects/cs490-95to96/HJKIM/emotions.html) They are referred to as the [Ekman Expressions](https://www.paulekman.com/universal-facial-expressions/). All human emotions can be expressed through the combination of these six emotions. Use them to precisely communicate yours. Usage: Select the emotion(s) to add them to the kill-ring, optionally including their description(s). Hit n to go forward, p to go backward, RETURN to select a field, and q to quit.Installation: Whatever your preference. Add it to your load path and (require 'universal-emotions-emoticons) or (use-package universal-emotions-emoticons :ensure t)