Homepage: http://github.com/geyslan/uzumaki
Author: Geyslan G. Bem
A simple buffer cycler
Setup: (require 'uzumaki) (uzumaki-minor-mode 1) The default cycling is done through "major-mode" buffers. But its behavior can be changed: (uzumaki-set-cycle-mode 'all-no-hidden) or (setq uzumaki-cycle-mode 'system) or (uzumaki-set-cycle-mode 'regex) (uzumaki-add-regex "^\\*CEDET.*\\*") (uzumaki-add-regex "^\\*Back.*\\*") Is possible to add regexes to never show buffers in accordance with its criteria. But remember that these regexes will override any mode buffers, so if a never-show criteria is found in whatever mode, the respective buffer will not be showed. The uzumaki-never-show-list is exclusive. (uzumaki-add-never-show-regex "^\\*CEDET.*\\*") (uzumaki-add-never-show-regex "^\\*Back.*\\*") Without change the configured cycler mode, the user can set other key-bindings specifying the desired options: (defun my:uzumaki-mode-keys () "my keybindings for 'uzumaki-minor-mode'." (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-c") 'uzumaki-cycle-to-prev-buffer 'all) (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-c ") 'uzumaki-cycle-to-next-buffer 'all) (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-c <") 'uzumaki-cycle-to-prev-buffer 'all-no-hidden) (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-c >") 'uzumaki-cycle-to-next-buffer 'all-no-hidden) ;; If there is a conflicting key, unbind the uzumaki-minor-mode respective one. (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-,") nil) (define-key uzumaki-minor-mode-map (kbd "C-.") nil)) (add-hook 'uzumaki-minor-mode-hook 'my:uzumaki-mode-keys) The same can be said about uzumaki code reuse, once the major part of functions has an &optional argument.