Homepage: https://github.com/gmlarumbe/verilog-ext
Author: Gonzalo Larumbe
SystemVerilog Extensions
Extensions for Verilog Mode: - Tree-sitter `verilog-ts-mode' support - Project management - Improved syntax highlighting for `verilog-mode' - Find definitions and references with builtin `xref' backend - Auto-completion with dot and scope completion - Hierarchy extraction and navigation - LSP configuration for `lsp-bridge', `lsp-mode', `eglot' and `lspce' - Support for many linters via `flycheck' - Beautify modules and instances - Code navigation functions for RTL and Verification environments - Templates insertion via `hydra': custom and `yasnippet' based - Code formatter via `apheleia' - Compilation-based utilities - Improve `imenu': detect instances, classes and methods - Add support for `which-func' - Code folding via `hideshow' - Project tags, typedef analysis and caching - `time-stamp' auto-configuration - Convert block end comments to names - Port connections utilities