
Homepage: https://iis-people.ee.ethz.ch/~zimmi/emacs/vhdl-mode.html

Author: Reto Zimmermann, Rodney J. Whitby


Major mode for editing VHDL code


This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing VHDL code.
It includes the following features:

  - Syntax highlighting
  - Indentation
  - Template insertion (electrification)
  - Insertion of file headers
  - Insertion of user-specified models
  - Port translation / testbench generation
  - Structural composition
  - Configuration generation
  - Sensitivity list updating
  - File browser
  - Design hierarchy browser
  - Source file compilation (syntax analysis)
  - Makefile generation
  - Code hiding
  - Word/keyword completion
  - Block commenting
  - Code fixing/alignment/beautification
  - PostScript printing
  - VHDL'87/'93/'02/'08 and VHDL-AMS supported
  - Comprehensive menu
  - Fully customizable
  - Works under GNU Emacs (recommended) and XEmacs


See comment string of function `vhdl-mode' or type `C-c C-h' in Emacs.

Emacs Versions

this updated version was only tested on: GNU Emacs 24.1


Prerequisites:  GNU Emacs >= 21, XEmacs 20/21.

Put `vhdl-mode.el' into the `site-lisp' directory of your Emacs installation
or into an arbitrary directory that is added to the load path by the
following line in your Emacs start-up file `.emacs':

  (push (expand-file-name "") load-path)

If you already have the compiled `vhdl-mode.elc' file, put it in the same
directory.  Otherwise, byte-compile the source file:
  Emacs:  M-x byte-compile-file RET vhdl-mode.el RET
  Unix:   emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -f batch-byte-compile vhdl-mode.el

Add the following lines to the `site-start.el' file in the `site-lisp'
directory of your Emacs installation or to your Emacs start-up file `.emacs'
(not required in Emacs):

  (autoload 'vhdl-mode "vhdl-mode" "VHDL Mode" t)
  (push '("\\.vhdl?\\'" . vhdl-mode) auto-mode-alist)

More detailed installation instructions are included in the official
VHDL Mode distribution.


Electrification ideas by Bob Pack 
and Steve Grout.

Fontification approach suggested by Ken Wood .
Ideas about alignment from John Wiegley .

Many thanks to all the users who sent me bug reports and enhancement
Thanks to Colin Marquardt for his serious beta testing, his innumerable
enhancement suggestions and the fruitful discussions.
Thanks to Dan Nicolaescu for reviewing the code and for his valuable hints.
Thanks to Ulf Klaperski for the indentation speedup hint.

Special thanks go to Wolfgang Fichtner and the crew from the Integrated
Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, for
giving me the opportunity to develop this code.
This work has been funded in part by MICROSWISS, a Microelectronics Program
of the Swiss Government.


Reverse dependencies