Homepage: http://www.neilvandyke.org/w3mnav
Author: Neil W. Van Dyke
Add additional Info-like navigation to w3m
`w3mnav' kludges some Info-like navigation keys into the `emacs-w3m' Web browser (`http://emacs-w3m.namazu.org/'). This functionality was originally part of Scheme support package Quack (`http://www.neilvandyke.org/quack/'), and was intended to work with the numerous Scheme books that were converted to HTML from LaTeX format. It also works with some other HTML pages that have book-like "next page" and "previous page" links. To install, put file `w3mnav.el' into one of your Emacs Lisp directories, optionally byte-compile the file, and add a line like the following to your `~/.emacs' file: (require 'w3mnav)