Homepage: http://github.com/redguardtoo/wucuo
Fastest solution to spell check camel case code or plain text
1. Setup Please install either aspell or hunspell and their dictionaries. 2. Usage Insert below code into ".emacs", (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'wucuo-start) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'wucuo-start) The spell checking starts when current buffer is saved. Please note `flyspell-prog-mode' and `flyspell-mode' should be turned off before using this program. User's configuration for the package flyspell still works. Flyspell provides two minor modes, `flyspell-prog-mode' and `flyspell-mode'. They are replaced by this program. But all the other commands and configuration for flyspell is still valid. 3. Tips - `wucuo-spell-check-file' checks one file and report typos - `wucuo-spell-check-directory' checks files in one directory and report typos - If `wucuo-flyspell-start-mode' is "normal", `wucuo-start' runs `flyspell-buffer' and `wucuo-spell-check-buffer-max' specifies maximum size of buffer to check. If it's "fast", `wucuo-start' runs `flyspell-region' on current visible region and `wucuo-spell-check-region-max' specifies maximum size of the region to check. - The interval of checking is set by `wucuo-update-interval' - See `wucuo-check-nil-font-face' on how to check plain text (text without font) - Use `wucuo-current-font-face' to detect font face at point - Set `wucuo-font-faces-to-check' or `wucuo-personal-font-faces-to-check' to specify font faces to spell check - You can define a function in `wucuo-spell-check-buffer-predicate'. If the function returns t, the spell checking of current buffer will continue. If it returns nil, the spell checking is skipped. Here is sample to skip checking in specified major modes, (setq wucuo-spell-check-buffer-predicate (lambda () (not (memq major-mode '(dired-mode log-edit-mode compilation-mode help-mode profiler-report-mode speedbar-mode gud-mode calc-mode Info-mode))))) This program assumes Flyspell is already set up properly. If you have problems on Flyspell configuration, check wucuo's README. To ignore specific typo, you can set `wucuo-extra-predicate'. This program can be run in Linux terminal as batch script. See README for more details.