Homepage: https://github.com/jobbflykt/x509-mode
Author: Fredrik Axelsson
View certificates, CRLs and keys using OpenSSL
Major mode for viewing certificates, CRLs, and other PKI-related files. Uses OpenSSL for viewing PEM and DER encoded PKI entities. Prerequisites: OpenSSL. Customize the variable `x509-openssl-cmd' to name the openssl binary. Defaults are "openssl" on Linux (assuming it's on PATH) and "C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/openssl.exe" on Windows (assuming Git for Windows is installed in its default location). Usage: Open a file containing a certificate, either PEM or DER encode. Now use M-x `x509-viewcert' to create a new buffer that displays the decoded certificate. Use `x509-viewcrl', `x509-viewasn1',`x509-viewkey', `x509-viewpublickey', `x509-viewdh', `x509-viewreq', `x509-viewpkcs7' in a similar manner. M-x `x509-dwim' tries to guess what view-function to call. It falls back to `x509-viewasn1' if it fails. If point is at the beginning of, or in, a PEM region, all view functions, including `x509-dwim', tries extra hard to use that region as input. This often works even when there is other data ahead and after region and if the region is indented or the lines are quoted. Use C-u prefix with any command for editing the command arguments. When in a x509 buffer, use keys `e' and `t' to edit current command or toggle between x509-asn1-mode and x509-mode respectively. In `x509-asn1-mode', keys `d' and `s' does asn1parse -offset (mnemonic "down") or -strparse. `u' undoes the last `d' or `s'. Also in `x509-asn1-mode', key `x' displays a buffer in `hexl-mode' that follows the current line in the asn1 buffer. Inspired by `rmsbolt-mode'.