
Homepage: http://mercurial.intuxication.org/hg/xml-weather

Author: Thierry Volpiatto



Get xml-weather infos in emacs.



To obtain the feed, you must first register with weather.com[1] to obtain a license key.
The registration is free but mandatory.
Once you've registered, you'll receive a confirmation email and a link to the software developer's kit.
Included in the kit is a comprehensive user's guide, numerous icons, and instructions (and restrictions)
on use of The Weather Channel logos.

Once you have your Partner ID and License Key, you have two ways to set them up:

A) The bad way:
   Add to .emacs:
   (setq xml-weather-login "your Partner ID")
   (setq xml-weather-key "your License Key")

B) The good way:
   Be sure to require `auth-sources' and set it up correctly.
   Add to your ~/.authinfo file this line:(change login and pwd)
   machine xoap.weather.com port http login  password 

3) Add to .emacs (be sure xml-weather.el is in your load-path):
   (require 'xml-weather)

4) (Facultative) Get the icons set from the link to the software developer's kit
   you will find in your email.
   Put the icons in the directory of your choice and set it in your .emacs:
   (setq xml-weather-default-icons-directory "path/to/your/icons/31x31")
   NOTE: I use the 31x31 directory but you can choose bigger icons if you want.
         If `xml-weather-default-icons-directory' is nil or doesn't exist,
         your builtin will be displayed with text only.

5) (Facultative) Get the moon icons set:
   (setq xml-weather-moon-icons-directory "Path/to/moon/icons/31X31")
   NOTE: If `xml-weather-moon-icons-directory' is not found, an empty image will be

M-x xml-weather-today-at (you will have a button for forecast)
M-x xml-weather-forecast-at (go straight to forecast)
In these two functions you will have two prompt:
One (e.g CityName) where you enter the name of the place where you want meteo
and another where you will have completion for all the possible city names
xml-weather know.(Hit TAB ==> must match).
xml-weather.el provide a ticker that show a builtin for current conditions
all the `xml-weather-timer-delay' seconds.
You will have to set your current location with `xml-weather-default-id'.
You can fetch it with M-x xml-weather-show-id.
Run the ticker with M-x xml-weather-run-ticker
Stop timer with M-x xml-weather-ticker-cancel-timer.
