
Homepage: https://github.com/lordpretzel/xwidgets-reuse

Author: Boris Glavic



Reuse xwidgets sessions to reduce resource consumption


Xwidget sessions are relatively heavy-weight.  This packages allows a single
xwidgets session to be reused for browsing.  This can be useful for tasks
like viewing html email in xwidgets or elfeed feeds or dash documentation.  To
customize behavior, you can register minor modes with `xwidgets-reuse' that
bind custom keys.  Call `xwidgets-reuse-register-minor-mode' to register your
minor mode.  Use `xwidgets-reuse-xwidget-reuse-browse-url(url &optional
use-minor-mode)' to browse `url' reusing an xwidget session.  This turns off
all minor modes registered with `xwidgets-reuse' in the reused xwidgets
session.  If `use-minor-mode' is provided, then this minor mode is turned on
in the xwidgets session.


Reverse dependencies