Homepage: https://github.com/psanford/emacs-yammer
Author: Peter Sanford
Simple tool for accessing yammer.com
Simple mode for browsing and posting to yammer.com. This mode requires oauth.el: git clone git://github.com/psanford/emacs-oauth.git and json.el: http://edward.oconnor.cx/2006/03/json.el You will need to register for an oauth key/secret at http://www.yammer.com/api_doc.html Once you have a key and secrect, set yammer-consumer-key and yammer-consumer-secret with those values. Add the following to your emacs init file (require 'yammer) (yammer-authenticate unix-user-name) Useful functions: yammer-list-messages yammer-post-message yammer-post-buffer-contents set yammer-show-icons to enable mugshots