Homepage: https://github.com/mineo/yatemplate
Author: Wieland Hoffmann
File templates with yasnippet
This package bridges the gap between yasnippet and auto-insert-mode. By populating auto-insert-alist with filenames and automatically expanding their content after insertion by auto-insert-mode, it's an easy way to create dynamic file templates. Simply call `yatemplate-fill-alist' somewhere in your Emacs initialization file to populate `auto-insert-alist' with filenames from `yatemplate-dir'. Each filename will be turned into a new element to `push' onto `auto-insert-alist'. To guarantee a particular order, filenames must contain one colon (":"). After collecting all the filenames in `yatemplate-dir', their names will be sorted with `string<', then split on the colon. The first substring will be discarded, which means it can be used to establish an ordering. The second substring will be used as a regexp as the CONDITION of the element to push onto `auto-insert-alist'. The ACTION will be a vector of actions that first insert the content of the template file and then expand the content of the buffer with `yatemplate-expand-yas-buffer', which simply calls `yas-expand-snippet', so you can use everything YASnippet offers in the template. This means that if `yatemplate-dir' looks like this: .emacs.d/templates ├── 00:test_.*.py └── 01:.*.py `yatemplate-fill-alist' will first `push' (".*.py" . ACTION) onto `auto-insert-alist' and then ("test_.*.py" . ACTION). Of course, you will need to enable `auto-insert-mode' to have the snippet inserted and expanded into new files.