Homepage: http://github.com/rolandwalker/anaphora
Author: Roland Walker
Anaphoric macros providing implicit temp variables
Quickstart (require 'anaphora) (awhen (big-long-calculation) (foo it) ; `it' is provided as (bar it)) ; a temporary variable ;; anonymous function to compute factorial using `self' (alambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (self (1- x))))) ;; to fontify `it' and `self' (with-eval-after-load "lisp-mode" (anaphora-install-font-lock-keywords)) Explanation Anaphoric expressions implicitly create one or more temporary variables which can be referred to during the expression. This technique can improve clarity in certain cases. It also enables recursion for anonymous functions. To use anaphora, place the anaphora.el library somewhere Emacs can find it, and add the following to your ~/.emacs file: (require 'anaphora) The following macros are made available `aand' `ablock' `acase' `acond' `aecase' `aetypecase' `apcase' `aif' `alambda' `alet' `aprog1' `aprog2' `atypecase' `awhen' `awhile' `a+' `a-' `a*' `a/' See Also M-x customize-group RET anaphora RET http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Lisp http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaphoric_macro Notes Partially based on examples from the book "On Lisp", by Paul Graham. Compatibility and Requirements GNU Emacs version 26.1 : yes GNU Emacs version 25.x : yes GNU Emacs version 24.x : yes GNU Emacs version 23.x : yes GNU Emacs version 22.x : yes GNU Emacs version 21.x and lower : unknown Bugs TODO better face for it and self License All code contributed by the author to this library is placed in the public domain. It is the author's belief that the portions adapted from examples in "On Lisp" are in the public domain. Regardless of the copyright status of individual functions, all code herein is free software, and is provided without any express or implied warranties.