Homepage: https://github.com/dickmao/emacs-ipython-notebook
Author: John Miller, Takafumi Arakaki
Jupyter notebook client
Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN), despite its name, is a jupyter client for all languages. It does not work under non-WSL Windows environments. As of 2023, EIN has been sunset for a number of years having been unable to keep up with jupyter's web-first ecosystem. Even during its heyday EIN never fully reconciled emac's monolithic buffer architecture to the notebook's by-cell discretization, leaving gaping functional holes like crippled undo. Certainly in 2012 when jupyter was much smaller, an emacs client made perfect sense. With many years of hindsight, it's now clear the json-driven, git-averse notebook format is anathema to emacs's plain text ethos.