Homepage: https://github.com/mkcms/compiler-explorer.el
Author: MichaĆ Krzywkowski
Compiler explorer client (godbolt.org)
compiler-explorer.el Package that provides a simple client for https://godbolt.org service. Usage M-x `compiler-explorer' is the main entry point. It will ask you for a language and display source&compilation buffers. Type something in the source buffer; the compilation buffer will automatically update with compiled asm code. Another buffer displays output of the compiled and executed program. M-x `compiler-explorer-set-compiler' changes the compiler for current session. M-x `compiler-explorer-set-compiler-args' sets compilation options. M-x `compiler-explorer-add-library' asks for a library version and adds it to current compilation. M-x `compiler-explorer-remove-library' removes them. M-x `compiler-explorer-set-execution-args' sets the arguments for the executed program. M-x `compiler-explorer-set-input' reads a string from minibuffer that will be used as input for the executed program. M-x `compiler-explorer-jump' jumps to ASM block for the source line at point and vice versa. M-x `compiler-explorer-load-example' prompts for a name of a builtin example and loads it. M-x `compiler-explorer-new-session' kills the current session and creates a new one, asking for source language. M-x `compiler-explorer-previous-session' lets you restore previous sessions. M-x `compiler-explorer-discard-session' kills the current or selected sessions and forgets about them forever. M-x `compiler-explorer-make-link' generates a link for current compilation so it can be opened in a browser and shared. M-x `compiler-explorer-restore-from-link' restores a session from a URL, generated by the website or by this package. M-x `compiler-explorer-layout' cycles between different layouts. M-x `compiler-explorer-exit' kills the current session.