Homepage: https://github.com/alphapapa/plz.el
Author: Adam Porter
HTTP library
An HTTP library that uses curl as a backend. Inspired by, and some code copied from, Christopher Wellons's library, elfeed-curl.el. Why this package? 1. `url' works well for many things, but it has some issues. 2. `request' works well for many things, but it has some issues. 3. Chris Wellons doesn't have time to factor his excellent elfeed-curl.el library out of Elfeed. This will have to do. Why is it called `plz'? 1. There's already a package called `http'. 2. There's already a package called `request'. 3. Naming things is hard. Usage: FIXME(v0.10): Remove the following note. NOTE: In a future version of plz, only one error will be signaled: `plz-error'. The existing errors, `plz-curl-error' and `plz-http-error', inherit from `plz-error' to allow applications to update their code while using earlier versions (i.e. any `condition-case' forms should now handle only `plz-error', not the other two). Call function `plz' to make an HTTP request. Its docstring explains its arguments. `plz' also supports other HTTP methods, uploading and downloading binary files, sending URL parameters and HTTP headers, configurable timeouts, error-handling "else" and always-called "finally" functions, and more. Basic usage is simple. For example, to make a synchronous request and return the HTTP response body as a string: (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get") Which returns the JSON object as a string: "{ \"args\": {}, \"headers\": { \"Accept\": \"*/*\", \"Accept-Encoding\": \"deflate, gzip\", \"Host\": \"httpbin.org\", \"User-Agent\": \"curl/7.35.0\" }, \"origin\": \"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\", \"url\": \"https://httpbin.org/get\" }" To make the same request asynchronously, decoding the JSON and printing a message with a value from it: (plz 'get "https://httpbin.org/get" :as #'json-read :then (lambda (alist) (message "URL: %s" (alist-get 'url alist)))) Which, after the request returns, prints: URL: https://httpbin.org/get Credits: Thanks to Chris Wellons for inspiration, encouragement, and advice.