Homepage: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs
Author: Bob Olson, Ilya Zakharevich, Jonathan Rockway
Perl code editing commands for Emacs
You can either fine-tune the bells and whistles of this mode or bulk enable them by putting this in your Init file: (setq cperl-hairy t) DO NOT FORGET to read micro-docs (available from `Perl' menu) <<<<<< or as help on variables `cperl-tips', `cperl-praise', <<<<<< `cperl-speed'. <<<<<< Or search for "Short extra-docs" further down in this file for details on how to use `cperl-mode' instead of `perl-mode' and lots of other details. The mode information (on C-h m) provides some customization help. Faces used: three faces for first-class and second-class keywords and control flow words, one for each: comments, string, labels, functions definitions and packages, arrays, hashes, and variable definitions. This mode supports imenu. You can use imenu from the keyboard (M-g i), but you might prefer binding it like this: (define-key global-map [M-S-down-mouse-3] #'imenu) This version supports the syntax added by the MooseX::Declare CPAN module, as well as Perl 5.10 keywords.