


Info package for Emacs


Note that nowadays we expect Info files to be made using makeinfo.
In particular we make these assumptions:
 - a menu item MAY contain colons but not colon-space ": "
 - a menu item ending with ": " (but not ":: ") is an index entry
 - a node name MAY NOT contain a colon
This distinction is to support indexing of computer programming
language terms that may contain ":" but not ": ".

The commands in this file should start either with "Info-" or with
"info-".  The capitalized version is for commands that are bound to
keys, and therefore are unlikely to be invoked by name via "M-x";
the lower-case version is for commands invoked by name.  This
arrangement makes completion of "info-" commands work better,
because the "Info-" commands (of which there are a lot) don't get
in the way.  Please adhere to this convention when you add commands


Reverse dependencies