

Author: Drew Adams



Extensions to `info.el'


Extensions to `info.el'.

 More description below.

 If you use Emacs 20, 21, or 22 then use library `info+20.el'
 instead of `info+.el'.
(@> "Index")


 If you have library `linkd.el', load `linkd.el' and turn on
 `linkd-mode' now.  It lets you easily navigate around the sections
 of this doc.  Linkd mode will highlight this Index, as well as the
 cross-references and section headings throughout this file.  You
 can get `linkd.el' here:

 (@> "Things Defined Here")
 (@> "Documentation")
 (@> "Macros")
 (@> "Faces (Customizable)")
 (@> "User Options (Customizable)")
 (@> "Internal Variables")
 (@> "New Commands")
 (@> "Replacements for Existing Functions")
 (@> "Non-Interactive Functions")
(@* "Things Defined Here")

 Things Defined Here

 Commands defined here:

   `Info-change-visited-status' (Emacs 24+),
   `Info-cycle-fontify-quotations', `Info-describe-bookmark' (Emacs
   24.2+), `Info-define-custom-delimiting',
   `Info-follow-nearest-node-new-window', `Info-glossary',
   `Info-goto-node-web', `Info-history-clear',
   `Info-make-node-unvisited', `info-manual',
   `info-manual+node-buffer-name-mode', `Info-merge-subnodes',
   `Info-outline-demote', `Info-outline-promote',
   `Info-persist-history-mode' (Emacs 24.4+), `info-rename-buffer',
   `Info-save-current-node', `Info-search-case-sensitively-next',
   `Info-set-face-for-bookmarked-xref' (Emacs 24.2+),
   `Info-toggle-breadcrumbs-in-header', `Info-toggle-fontify-all',
   `Info-toggle-fontify-bookmarked-xrefs' (Emacs 24.2+),
   `Info-toggle-fontify-emphasis', `Info-toggle-fontify-extra',
   `Info-toggle-node-access-invokes-bookmark' (Emacs 24.4+),
   `Info-toc-outline', `Info-toc-outline-refontify-region',
   `Info-url-for-node', `Info-variable-pitch-text-mode',

 Faces defined here:

   `info-command-ref-item', `info-constant-ref-item',
   `info-custom-delimited', `info-double-quoted-name',
   `info-emphasis', `info-file', `info-fixed-pitch',
   `info-function-ref-item', `info-glossary-word',
   `info-indented-text', `info-isolated-backquote',
   `info-isolated-quote', `info-macro-ref-item', `info-menu',
   `info-node', `info-quoted-name', `info-reference-item',
   `info-special-form-ref-item', `info-string',
   `info-syntax-class-item', `info-user-option-ref-item',
   `info-variable-ref-item', `info-xref-bookmarked' (Emacs 24.2+).

 Options (user variables) defined here:

   `Info-apropos-manuals', `Info-bookmarked-node-xref-faces' (Emacs
   24.2+), `Info-bookmark-use-only-node-not-file-flag',
   `Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag', `info-buffer-name-function',
   `Info-display-node-header-fn', `Info-emphasis-regexp',
   `Info-fit-frame-flag', `Info-fontify-angle-bracketed-flag',
   `Info-fontify-bookmarked-xrefs-flag' (Emacs 24.2+),
   `Info-fontify-custom-delimited', `Info-fontify-emphasis-flag',
   `Info-fontify-extra-function', `Info-fontify-glossary-words',
   `Info-fontify-isolated-quote-flag', `Info-fontify-quotations',
   `Info-glossary-fallbacks-alist', `Info-link-glossary-words',
   `Info-node-access-invokes-bookmark-flag' (Emacs 24.4+),
   `Info-saved-history-file' (Emacs 24.4+), `Info-saved-nodes',
   `Info-subtree-separator', `Info-toc-outline-no-redundancy-flag'.

 Macros defined here:


 Non-interactive functions defined here:

   `Info--manuals', `Info--member-string-nocase',
   `Info--pop-to-buffer-same-window', `info--user-search-failed',
   `Info-bookmark-for-node', `Info-bookmark-name-at-point',
   `Info-bookmark-named-at-point', `Info-bookmark-name-for-node',
   `Info-case-insensitive-string-hash', `info-custom-delim-1',
   `info-custom-delim-2', `Info-defontify',
   `Info-fontify-custom-delimited', `Info-fontify-glossary-words',
   `Info-fontify-indented-text', `info-fontifying-regexp',
   `Info-fontify-quotations', `Info-fontify-reference-items',
   `Info-goto-glossary-definition', `info-indented-text-regexp',
   `Info-insert-breadcrumbs-in-mode-line', `Info-isearch-search-p',
   `Info-manual-string', `Info-manual-symbol',
   `Info-node-name-at-point', `Info-no-glossary-manuals',
   `Info-read-bookmarked-node-name', `Info-refontify-current-node',
   `Info-restore-history-list' (Emacs 24.4+),
   `Info-save-history-list' (Emacs 24.4+), `Info-search-beg',
   `Info-search-end', `Info-toc-outline-find-node',
   `Info-toc-outline-refontify-links', `Info-toggle-fontify-local'.

 Internal variables defined here:

   `info-fontify-emphasis', `Info-glossary-link-history',
   `info-glossary-link-map', `info-good-fixed-pitch-font-families',
   `info-indented-text-regexp', `info-isolated-backquote-regexp',
   `info-last-non-nil-fontify-glossary-words', `Info-link-faces',
   `Info-merged-map', `Info-mode-syntax-table', `info-nomatch',
   `info-quotation-regexp', `info-quotation-same-line-regexp',
   `info-quoted+<>-regexp', `info-quoted+<>-same-line-regexp',
   `info-remap-default-face-cookie', `Info-toc-outline-map'.

 ***** NOTE: The following standard faces defined in `info.el'
             have been REDEFINED HERE:

 `info-title-1', `info-title-2', `info-title-3', `info-title-4'.

 ***** NOTE: The following standard functions defined in `info.el'
             have been REDEFINED or ADVISED HERE:

 `info-apropos' - Apropos, not literal string, match by default.
                  Use other window if not already in Info.
 `Info-apropos-matches' - Added optional arg REGEXP-P.
 `Info-backward-node' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-bookmark-jump' -
    Respect option `Info-bookmark-use-only-node-not-file-flag'.
 `Info-directory' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `info-display-manual' - Use completion to input manual name.
 `Info-find-emacs-command-nodes' - Added arg MSGP and message.
 `Info-find-file' - Handle virtual books.
 `Info-find-node', `Info-find-node-2' -
    Call `fit-frame' if `Info-fit-frame-flag'.
    Added optional arg NOMSG.
 `Info-fontify-node' -
    1. Show breadcrumbs in header line and/or mode line.
    2. File name in face `info-file'.
    3. Node names in face `info-node'.
    4. Menu items in face `info-menu'.
    5. Only 5th and 9th menu items have their `*' colored.
    6. Notes in face `info-xref'.
    7. If `Info-fontify-emphasis-flag', then fontify _..._.
    8. If `Info-fontify-quotations', then fontify ‘...’ or
       `...' in face `info-quoted-name', “...” in face
       `info-double-quoted-name',  and "..." in face `info-string'.
    9. If `Info-fontify-quotations' and
       `Info-fontify-angle-bracketed-flag' then fontify <...> in
       face `info-quoted-name'.
   10. If `Info-fontify-quotations' and
       `Info-fontify-isolated-quote-flag' then fontify ' in face
       `info-isolated-quote', and fontify ` in face
 `Info-forward-node' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-goto-emacs-command-node' -
    1. Uses `completing-read' in interactive spec, with,
       as default, `symbol-nearest-point'.
    2. Added optional arg MSGP.
    3. Message if single node found.
    4. Returns `num-matches' if found; nil if not.
 `Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node' -
    1. Added optional arg MSGP.
    2. If key's command not found, then `Info-search's for key
       sequence in text and displays message about repeating.
 `Info-goto-node' - Respect option
    `Info-node-access-invokes-bookmark-flag' (Emacs 24.4+).
 `Info-history' - A prefix arg clears the history.
 `Info-history-back' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-history-forward' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-insert-dir' -
    Added optional arg NOMSG to inhibit showing progress msgs.
 `Info-isearch-search' - Respect restriction to active region.
 `Info-isearch-wrap' - Respect restriction to active region.
 `Info-mode' - Doc string shows all bindings.
 `Info-next' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-prev' - Prefix arg clones buffer.
 `Info-read-node-name'   - Added optional arg DEFAULT.
 `Info-search' - 1. Fits frame.
                 2. Highlights found regexp if `search-highlight'.
 `Info--search-loop' - Use `Info-search-beg' and `Info-search-end'.
 `Info-set-mode-line' - Handles breadcrumbs in the mode line.
 `Info-mouse-follow-nearest-node' - With prefix arg, show node in
                                    a new Info buffer.
 `Info-up' - Prefix arg clones buffer.

 ***** NOTE: The following standard function
             has been REDEFINED HERE:

 `outline-invisible-p' - Fixes Emacs bug #28080.
(@* "Documentation")


 Library `info+.el' extends the standard Emacs library `info.el' in
 many ways.  It provides these features:

 * Association of additional information (metadata) with Info
   nodes.  You do this by bookmarking the nodes.  Library Bookmark+
   gives you the following features in combination with `info+.el'.
   In many ways an Info node and its default bookmark can be
   thought of as the same animal.

   - Rich node metadata.  In particular, you can tag nodes with any
     number of arbitrary tags, to classify them in different and
     overlapping ways.  You can also annotate them (in Org mode, by

   - You can use `C-h C-b' to show the metadata for a (bookmarked)
     node.  This is all of the associated bookmark information,
     including the annotation and tags for that node and the number
     of times you have visited it.  If invoked with point on a
     link, the targeted node is described; otherwise, you are
     prompted for the node name.

   - Links for bookmarked nodes can have a different face, to let
     you know that those nodes have associated metadata.  Option
     `Info-fontify-bookmarked-xrefs-flag' controls whether this is

   - The face for this is `info-xref-bookmarked' by default, but
     you can set the face to use for a given Info bookmark using
     `C-x f' (command `Info-set-face-for-bookmarked-xref').  This
     gives you an easy way to classify nodes and show the class of
     a node by its links.  Uses faces to make clear which nodes are
     most important to you, or which are related to this or that
     general topic.

   - You can use command `Info-make-node-unvisited' to make a node
     be considered unvisited.  By default the node at point is
     used.  For a node that is not bookmarked this also gives links
     to the node face `info-xref', which indicates that their
     targets are unvisited.  If for some reason you want to make
     links to a bookmarked node also have this face then just use
     command `Info-set-face-for-bookmarked-xref', specifying face

   - If option `Info-node-access-invokes-bookmark-flag' is non-nil
     then going to a bookmarked Info node invokes its bookmark, so
     that the node metadata (such as number of visits) gets
     updated.  Command `Info-toggle-node-access-invokes-bookmark'
     toggles the option value.

   - You can automatically bookmark nodes you visit, by enabling
     mode `bmkp-info-auto-bookmark-mode'.  Toggle the mode off
     anytime you do not want to record Info visits.

   - In the bookmark-list display (from `C-x r l') you can sort
     bookmarks by the time of last visit (`s d') or by the number
     of visits (`s v').  This gives you an easy way to see which
     parts of which Info manuals you have visited most recently and
     how much you have visited them.

 * Editable, outline-enabled tables of contents (TOCs).  Command
   `Info-toc-outline' (bound to `O') opens a separate Info buffer
   showing the table of contents (TOC).  This is similar to the
   standard command `Info-toc' (bound to `T'), but the buffer is
   cloned from the manual and is in `outline-minor-mode'.  Also,
   there is no redundancy, by default: each TOC entry is listed
   only once, not multiple times.  (This is controlled by option

   - You can have any number of such TOCs, for the same manual or
     for different manuals.

   - Outline minor mode lets you hide and show, and promote and
     demote, various parts of the TOC tree for a manual.  And since
     the TOC is editable you can make other changes to it: sort
     parts of it, delete parts of it, duplicate parts of it, move
     parts aroundin an ad hoc way, and so on.  Info+ makes the
     outlining commands behave, so that hidden Info text
     (e.g. markup text such as `*note'...`::' surrounding links) is
     kept hidden.

   - Especially when combined with `Info-persist-history-mode',
     command `Info-change-visited-status' (`C-x DEL', see below),
     and the Info+ bookmarking enhancements (e.g., special link
     highlighting and persistently tracking the number of visits
     per node), `Info-toc-outline' gives you a way to organize
     access and visibility of a manual's nodes, to reflect how you
     use it.

 * Additional, finer-grained Info highlighting.  This can make a
   big difference in readability.

   - In the Emacs Lisp manual, reference items are highlighted, so
     they stand out.  This means: constants, commands, functions,
     macros, special forms, syntax classes, user options, and other

   - Single-quoted text, like `text' or ‘text’, and double-quoted
     text, like "text" or “text”, is highlighted if option
     `Info-fontify-quotations' is non-`nil'.  If the non-nil value
     is `t' (the default) then, for the case of `...', only text
     quoted on the same line is highlighted.  If the non-nil value
     is `multiline' then even multiline text quoted with `...' is

   - Angle-bracketed names, like , are highlighted if
     `Info-fontify-angle-bracketed-flag' and
     `Info-fontify-quotations' are both non-`nil'.

   - Isolated single quotes and backquote chars, as in 'foobar and
     `foobar, are highlighted if `Info-fontify-quotations' and
     `Info-fontify-isolated-quote-flag' are both non-`nil'.

   - Emphasized text, that is, text enclosed in underscore
     characters, like _this is emphasized text_, is
     highlighted if `Info-fontify-emphasis-flag' is non-`nil'.
     (But if internal variable `info-fontify-emphasis' is `nil'
     then there is no such highlighting, and that option has no

   - Glossary words, that is, words that are defined in a manual's
     `Glossary' node, are highlighted and linked to their glossary
     entries, if option `Info-fontify-glossary-words' is non-nil.

     Glossary terms of more than one word are not highlighted or
     linked.  Currently only the Emacs and Semantic manuals have
     `Glossary' nodes, as far as I know.

     By default, a glossary link is fontified (with face
     `info-glossary-word'), and by default the link (the face) is
     shown only until you follow a link for that word to the
     glossary.  This reduces clutter for words you've already
     looked up.  Their first occurrences in nodes are still linked,
     but the links are only evident on mouseover (using property

     By default also, mouseover shows the word's definition in a
     tooltip (or in the echo area if `tooltip-mode' is off).  You
     can optionally not show the definition this way.

     To reduce clutter even more, you can optionally hide glossary
     links (no face), showing them only on mouseover.

     All glossary-link behaviors are specified with option

     You can cycle or toggle the option value using command
     `Info-cycle-fontify-glossary-words' or

   - Text between two delimiters that you specify, if the car of
     option `Info-fontify-custom-delimited' is non-nil.

   - Any extra highlighting you want in a node, as defined by the
     value of option `Info-fontify-extra-function' - a function
     that accepts no args.

   - Be aware that any such highlighting is not 100% foolproof.
     Especially for a manual such as Emacs or Elisp, where
     arbitrary keys and characters can be present anywhere, the
     highlighting can be thrown off.

   - You can cycle or toggle the `Info-fontify-*' options from the
     `Info' menu, or using command `Info-cycle-fontify-quotations'
     or an `Info-toggle-fontify-*' command.  For example, command
     `Info-toggle-fontify-emphasis' toggles option

   - Minor mode `Info-variable-pitch-text-mode' uses a
     variable-pitch font for Info text.  If you enable this then
     you might also want to customize option
     `Info-fontify-indented-text-chars', so indented text such as
     code uses a fixed-pitch font (face `info-indented-text').

   - Non-nil option `Info-fontify-indented-text-chars' means
     fontify text that is indented at least that many characters
     (default 10).  In the Elisp manual this often means blocks of
     code and ASCII-art diagrams.  But in general there's no
     telling what is indented at any given level, so caveat emptor.
     Think of this as an experimental feature.

   - Option `Info-fontify-indented-text-manuals' is a list of
     manuals that should use `Info-fontify-indented-text-chars'.
     By default this is just the Elisp manual: (elisp).

   - You can define specific highlighting for individual manuals.
     To do this, you `put' the regexp you want for a given regexp
     variable on the manual symbol.  For example, if MY-REGEXP is a
     regexp string then this defines the regexp to use for a
     quotation as being MY-REGEXP, but only for the Elisp manual:

       (put 'elisp 'info-quotation-regexp MY-REGEXP)

     Then you can toggle that highlighting separately, using
     command `Info-toggle-fontify-local-quotation'.  There's such a
     command for each regexp variable.  When you toggle a
     particular kind of manual-local highlighting OFF in the
     current manual, the global highlighting of that kind takes
     over there.

     Instead of explicitly setting the variable value for a manual
     using `put', you can just use the local toggle command (such
     as `Info-toggle-fontify-local-quotation') with a prefix arg.
     That prompts you for the regexp to use locally, for the
     current manual.

     You can also use such local highlighting to just turn OFF the
     global highlighting for a given regexp variable.  To do that,
     use a prefix arg with the toggle command, and when prompted
     for the regexp, type `$-'.  That's a regexp that cannot match
     anything.  When using Lisp, use the value of constant
     `info-nomatch' - that prevents even trying to match. For

       (put 'some-manual 'info-isolated-quote-regexp info-nomatch)

     This is already done by default for the isolated-quote regexp
     variables, for several manuals that don't involve (much) Elisp
     code with such chars: `ada', `bovine', `calc', `emacs-gnutls',
     `epa', `eshell', `eww', `info', `nxml', `pcl-cvs', `smtpmail',
     `srecode', `todo-mode', `wisent'.  The manuals you have may
     well be different from those Emacs provides by default, and
     you might want to add or remove such highlighting.

 * Optionally showing breadcrumbs in the mode line or the header
   line, or both. See where you are in the Info hierarchy, and
   access higher nodes directly.

   - In the mode line.  Turned on by default.

     See ‘Toggle Breadcrumbs’ in the `mouse-3' mode-line menu and
     `Toggle Breadcrumbs in Mode Line' in the `Info' menu (in the
     menu-bar or in the minor-mode indicator). You can customize
     option `Info-breadcrumbs-in-mode-line-mode' if you want to
     turn this off by default. (Available for Emacs 23+ only.)

   - In the header (just below the header line).

     (I also added this to vanilla Emacs 23.)  This is OFF by
     default in `Info+'.  See `Toggle Breadcrumbs in Header Line'
     in `Info' menu.  Be aware that unlike breadcrumbs in the mode
     line, this can occasionally throw off the destination accuracy
     of cross references and searches slightly.

 * Optional automatic renaming of Info buffers to include the
   manual (file) and node names, using minor mode
   `info-manual+node-buffer-name-mode'.  You can use option
   `info-buffer-name-function' to customize the format of the
   buffer names.

 * Additional commands, including:

   - `Info-virtual-book' (bound to `v') – Open a virtual Info
     manual of saved nodes from any number of manuals.  The nodes
     are those saved in option `Info-virtual-book'.  With `C-u',
     bookmarked Info nodes are also included.  (If you use Icicles,
     see also `icicle-Info-virtual-book'.)

   - `Info-persist-history-mode' - Enabling this minor mode saves
     the list of your visited Info nodes between Emacs sessions.
     Together with command `Info-history' (bound to `L' by
     default), this gives you a persistent virtual manual of the
     nodes you have visited in the past.  If the mode is enabled
     then the list of visited nodes is saved to the file named by
     option `Info-saved-history-file' when you quit Emacs (not
     Info) or when you kill an Info buffer.

     (If you also use library Bookmark+ then you can bookmark Info
     nodes, including automatically.  This records how many times
     you have visited each node and when you last did so.)

   - `Info-change-visited-status' (bound to `C-x DEL') - Toggle or
     set the visited status of the node at point or the nodes in
     the active region.  Useful if you use
     `Info-fontify-visited-nodes' to show you which nodes you have
     visited.  No prefix arg: toggle.  Non-negative prefix arg: set
     to visited.  Negative prefix arg: set to unvisited.

   - `Info-save-current-node' (bound to `.') – Save the name of the
     current node to list `Info-saved-nodes', for use by `v'

   - `Info-merge-subnodes' – Integrate the current Info node with
     its subnodes (the nodes in its Menu), perhaps recursively.

     Use `Info-merge-subnodes' to extract a self-contained report
     (possibly the whole manual) from an Info manual.  The report
     is itself an Info buffer, with hyperlinks and normal Info

     There are various prefix-argument possibilities that govern
     just how subnodes are treated (recursively or not, for
     instance).  There are a few user options that let you
     customize the report appearance.

 The following bindings are made here for Info-mode:

   `?'              `describe-mode' (replaces `Info-summary')
   `+'              `Info-merge-subnodes'
   `.'              `Info-save-current-node'
   `a'              `info-apropos'
   `G'              `Info-goto-node-web'
   `O'              `Info-toc-outline'
   `v'              `Info-virtual-book'
   `mouse-4'        `Info-history-back'
   `mouse-5'        `Info-history-forward'
   `S-down-mouse-2' `Info-mouse-follow-nearest-node-new-window'
   `S-RET'          `Info-follow-nearest-node-new-window'

 The following bindings are made here for merged Info buffers:

   `.'              `beginning-of-buffer'
   `b'              `beginning-of-buffer'
   `q'              `quit-window'
   `s'              `nonincremental-re-search-forward'
   `M-s'            `nonincremental-re-search-forward'
   `TAB'            `Info-next-reference'
   `ESC TAB'        `Info-prev-reference'

 The global binding `C-h r' is changed from `info-emacs-manual' to
 `info-manual', which behaves the same except if you use a prefix
 arg.  With a prefix arg you can open any manual, choosing either
 from all installed manuals or from those that are already shown in
 Info buffers.

 The following behavior defined in `info.el' has been changed:
  "*info" has been removed from `same-window-buffer-names', so that
  a separate window can be used if you so choose.

 Suggestion: Use a medium-dark background for Info.  Try, for
 example, setting the background to "LightSteelBlue" in your
 `~/.emacs' file.  You can do this as follows:

        (setq special-display-buffer-names
              (cons '("*info*" (background-color . "LightSteelBlue"))

 Alternatively, you can change the background value of
 `special-display-frame-alist' and set `special-display-regexps' to
 something matching "*info*":

        (setq special-display-frame-alist
              (cons '(background-color . "LightSteelBlue")
        (setq special-display-regexps '("[ ]?[*][^*]+[*]"))

 If you do use a medium-dark background for Info, consider
 customizing face to a lighter foreground color - I use "Yellow".

 Also, consider customizing face `link' to remove its underline

 This file should be loaded after loading the standard GNU file
 `info.el'.  So, in your `~/.emacs' file, do this:
 (eval-after-load "info" '(require 'info+))


Reverse dependencies