Homepage: http://github.com/positron-solutions/elisp-repo-kit
Author: Positron Solutions
Elisp (GitHub) Repository Kit
Set up and develop Emacs packages, complete with Github Actions CI, tests, lints, documentation generation, and a licensing scheme all ready to go. Included commands are focused on productivity, appropriate for professional development in elisp. The goal of the package is streamline authoring & distributing new Emacs packages. It provides a well-integrated but rigid scheme, aka opinionated. Simply call `erk-new' to start a new package. ERK will clone a small template project and interactively rename and relicense the project. Instructions on how to host and publish your package are included in the manual. As a development aid, the package is versatile enough to work on some elisp packages not descended from its templates. The provided functionality focuses on smoothing out typical workflows. Common actions like reloading packages and navigating between source & tests are streamlined. Processes like exporting all documents are automated.