Homepage: https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el
Author: Radian LLC
Next-generation package manager
straight.el is a next-generation package manager for Emacs. It clones packages into your ~/.emacs.d and handles byte-compilation, autoload generation, and load path management. Dependency management, powerful tools for managing your packages in bulk, and out-of-the-box compatibility with MELPA, GNU ELPA, and Emacsmirror are also included. straight.el improves on other package managers in several ways. Most importantly, it offers first-class support for easily modifying packages and contributing your changes upstream. It also supports complete reproducibility for your configuration by writing a lockfile with the versions of all your packages. Alternatively, straight.el will work with manually managed packages, if you prefer to merge in packages as subtrees. Please see https://github.com/radian-software/straight.el for more information.