Author: Pat Thoyts
Copyright (C) 1999 Pat Thoyts <>
----------- This is an emacs major mode to provide some help to programmers who must edit Pick-style Proc language programs. It provides keyword colourisation and not much else. Tested for XEmacs 19.15 and GNU Emacs 20.3 INSTALLATION ------------ Put (autoload 'proc-mode "proc-mode" "Mode for Pick PROC procedures." t) into your .emacs file and type M-x proc-mode in any buffer you think is suitable. You can also add (autoload 'proc-insert-emacs-tag "proc-mode" nil t) if you want to be able to easilly tag a buffer as proc mode for emacs. I recommend binding these functions to keys, possibly C-c p to proc-mode C-c C-p to proc-insert-emacs-tag This can be done with something like: (defun Ctl-C-prefix () Ctl-C-keymap) (defvar Ctl-C-keymap (make-keymap) "Keymap for C-c prefix.") (global-set-key "\C-c" (Ctl-C-prefix)) (define-key Ctl-C-keymap "p" 'proc-mode) (define-key Ctl-C-keymap "\C-p" 'proc-insert-emacs-tag) SEE ALSO -------- unibasic-mode - a major mode for editing Unibasic/Databasic buffers. BUGS ---- Only that PROCs are so hideous.