


Customizable bug reporting of lisp programs


End User Interface
The variable `mail-user-agent' contains a symbol indicating which
Emacs mail package end users would like to use to compose outgoing
mail.  See that variable for details (it is no longer defined in
this file).

Lisp Package Authors
reporter.el was written primarily for Emacs Lisp package authors so
that their users can more easily report bugs.  When invoked,
`reporter-submit-bug-report' will set up an outgoing mail buffer
with the appropriate bug report address, including a Lisp
expression the maintainer of the package can evaluate to completely
reproduce the environment in which the bug was observed (e.g. by
using `eval-last-sexp').  This package proved especially useful
during my development of CC Mode, which is highly dependent on its
configuration variables.

Do a "C-h f reporter-submit-bug-report" for more information.
Here's an example usage:

(defconst mypkg-version "9.801")
(defconst mypkg-maintainer-address "")
(defun mypkg-submit-bug-report ()
 "Submit via mail a bug report on mypkg"
  (concat "mypkg.el " mypkg-version)
  (list 'mypkg-variable-1
        ;; ...


Reverse dependencies