
Homepage: http://launchpad.net/weblogger-el



Weblog maintenance via XML-RPC APIs


weblogger.el implements the Blogger, MetaWeblog, Movable Type, and
LiveJournal APIs to talk to server-side weblog software.


If you use ELPA (http://tromey.com/elpa), you can install via the
M-x package-list-packages interface. This is preferrable as you
will have access to updates automatically.

Otherwise, just make sure this file and xml-rpc.el are in your
load-path (usually ~/.emacs.d is included) and put
(require 'weblogger) in your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el file.

Starting Out:

If you don't yet have a weblog, you can set one up for free on
various services.  (I suggest OpenWeblog.com, but then I run that
site :) )

To set up your profile:

   M-x weblogger-setup-weblog RET

You will be prompted for some information.  The URL should be the
one that uses the API you're using, not the one you would use for
typing an entry.  For instance, in wordpress, use

*** FIXME This section is complete fantasy at the moment.
;; If you already have a weblog, and your weblog supports RSD
;; (http://archipelago.phrasewise.com/rsd), you can use
;;    M-x weblogger-discover-server RET url RET
;; where url is the URL of your weblog.  This will set up a
;; ~/.webloggerrc file for you if you let it.

You can also set up your server information using

   M-x customize-group RET weblogger RET
